IRTS RADIO NEWS BULLETIN Sunday May 26th 1996 Rallies Terenure College is the place to be this afternoon as the annual A.R.S.I. Rally is being held there today. Doors open at 12 noon and the usual friendly welcome awaits all visitors. This rally has established a reputation as the place to find that useful piece of junk and of course all the usual traders will be present including the IRTS Book Stall. The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group have announced the holding of their rally on Sunday June 30th in the usual venue at the Waterford Regional Technical College. Soup and sandwiches plus full bar facilities will be available and there is extensive free car parking. Looking ahead a few weeks, Galway Radio Experimenters Club will host their annual rally at the Convent of Mercy, Newtownsmith in Galway city centre on Sunday July 14th. Cork Radio Club have announced the date date for their annual rally as Sunday September 22nd at the usual venue in the Blarney Park Hotel, in Blarney, County Cork. _______________________________ Islands Echo Juliet activity from the islands is in big demand at the moment with many Worked All Ireland activists anxiously seeking islands to qualify for their Bronze, Silver and Gold WAI awards. Three islands were activated over the past week with some G stations active from the Blaskets, EI2HY and EI2IB from Cork Radio Club were on Dursey Island in West Cork and Kinsale Radio Club members Jeremy EI5GM, Jim EI9FT, Tony EI6ES and Declan EI9GA were on Cape Clear for the weekend operating EJ3HB. The G stations who were active from the Blaskets planned to move on to the Saltees from last Wednesday and all going well should be still on from there at the moment. QSLs for their activities should be addressed to G3OCA. Another island will be activated next weekend when members of the Donegal (Tir Conaill) Amateur Radio Club will make their annual trip to Aran Island in WAI Square B61. They should be active from Friday afternoon until sometime on Monday and with about eight members making the trip, all modes and bands should be activated. Anyone who missed the Blaskets last weekend will have another chance when members of the Westnet DX Group, together with some of their fellow IOTA enthusiasts from HB9 land, using the callsign EJ7NET, will mount a serious operation from the Great Blasket from June the 6th to the 10th. All bands will be activated on SSB and CW and QSLs should be directed to Declan EI6FR. Members of the East Cork Group will mount an expedition to activate Capel Island off Knockadoon Head near Youghal on a Sunday during June. Operation will be on HF and VHF. Further details on the WAI net on 3,760MHz. ________________________________ Club News North Dublin Radio Club held their AGM last Saturday night at their premises in Chanel College. The committee and members would like to thank all who contributed to the activities of the club during the year and in particular, thanks to John EI2HO for his series of talks on transistors, to Declan EI6FR for his talk on DXing, to Paul EI5DI for his talk on contesting, to Tony EI5EM for the construction projects he organised with club members during the year and to Tony EI6EQB for his series of talks on computing in radio. North Dublin Radio Club will remain open during the Summer months and will meet as usual every Saturday night at Chanel College, Coolock, Dublin 5. Information on the club from Dermot EI4ESB on 01-8313267. Skerries Radio Club will hold their final meeting before the Summer recess on Tuesday May 28th at their premises in North Strand in Skerries. The club will reopen on the first Tuesday in September. Wicklow Wireless Society held their AGM on Wednesday 15th at their premises in the Ravenswell Convent in Bray. Tony EI3GU, recently returned from several years operating as 9V1ZR in Singapore, was elected chairman while IRTS Treasurer Sean EI4GK was elected secretary. Neill EI2ELB fills the post of treasurer. The club meets on the first and third Wednesdays each month at the Ravenswell Convent in Bray and visitors and new members are always welcome. Best wishes for a speedy recovery are extended to Ben EI5BYB who is currently in St. Vincents Hospital and to Bill EI9FK who is recovering at home following recent surgery. ________________________________ CW Field Day The first field day of the year will be held next weekend when the CW event runs for 24 hours from 1500 on Saturday until 1500 on Sunday afternoon. This is a Region One, IARU event and activity will be hectic from most European and Russian Countries. At the time of writing, entries have been confirmed from Limerick Radio Club and the East Cork Radio Group who will have two stations. There are two sections in the event, the open section without any antenna limitations and the restricted section where only one antenna with a maximum of two supports at 35 feet is allowed. Its still not too late to get a group together and if you do, the Contest Manager, Paul EI5DI will be delighted to hear from you. ________________________________ Items for inclusion in both the Radio News and Newsletter can be faxed to 021-632730. The Radio News Editor, John EI7DNB, can be contacted at 021-353988 in the evening and the Newsletter Editor, Dave EI4BZ is at 021- 632444 during the day and 021-883555 in the evening. Mail can be sent on packet to either EI7DNB or EI4BZ on cluster or at the EI7DKB BBS or on Internet to